Wetland Seasons Park

...WetlandSeasonsPark”)|District:TinShuiWai|NameofStreetandStreetNumberofthePhase:9WetlandParkRoad#|Thewebsiteaddressdesignatedby ...

Wetland Seasons Park

To the extent this website www.wetlandseasonspark.com.hk constitutes an advertisement, this notice shall apply.

INFORMATION to Purchasers and disclaimer

Name of the Phase of the Development: Phase 1 (“the Phase”) of Wetland Lot No.34 Development (“the Development”) (Tower 6, Tower 10, Tower 16, Tower 17, Tower 20 to Tower 23, Villa 8 to Villa 11 and House 1 to House 3, House 5 to House 11 of the residential development in the Phase are called “Wetland Seasons Park”) | District: Tin Shui Wai | Name of Street and Street Number of the Phase: 9 Wetland Park Road# | The website address designated by the Vendor for the Phase: www.wetlandseasonspark.com.hk

Vendor: Pacific Gold Limited | Holding companies of the Vendor: Newray Ventures Limited, Time Effort Limited, Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited | Authorized Person for the Phase: Ronald P.C. Liang | The firm or corporation of which the Authorized Person for the Phase is a proprietor, director or employee i...








